Radio Teleswitch (RTS) switch off

Radio Teleswitch (RTS) switch off

Many storage heaters use a radio teleswitch or RTS, to switch them on or off. This system was introduced in the 1980’s and is now requiring replacement. The radio signal will be switched off for good by 30th June this year. This will require the installation of smart meters to take over the control of your storage heating. Your energy supplier should be in touch to discuss this change with you. If they haven’t already contacted you, it might be worth giving them a call to see when your change over is planned. The worse case scenario when the switch off occurs, is your heaters could be left permanently on or off. This is very unlikely to happen. The energy companies have been planning for this changeover for some time.

Watch the following video from Ofgem Copyright Ofgem

This page gives you links to some of the many sites that have information on this switch off. You can get a good idea of whats happening from these.

If you are are unhappy with the quality of heat, the lack of control and the high running costs of your heaters then maybe now is a good time to consider changing to a more efficient system, one that can run off a single meter, give you complete control and cheaper bills. Start here


Elsco Heating Ltd

69 Wards Road



IV30 1TE
Phone: (John in  Elgin) 01343 819676

Phone (Dennis in Glasgow) 07526 704204

